Aristotle once said,

"The search for truth is in one way hard and in another easy. For it is evident that no one can master it fully nor miss it wholly. But each adds a little to our knowledge of nature and from all the facts assembled these arises a certain grandeur."

Welcome: An Introduction

Setting: Starbucks
Katrina enters Starbucks, aproaches the front cash, orders a grande white chocolate mochachino, and waits for it to be served. Meanwhile she scans the cafe and spots Mr. Barry in a crisp new gecko blouse (custom fit) from Malaysia. As he sips on his wild sweet orange tazo tea, Katrina notices that he is reading the preface of The Science of Everyday Life. Since he is having a hard time with the technical writing style Jay Ingram posseses, Katrina decides to give him an introduction of her own...

In the novel, The Science of Everyday Life, Jay Ingram attempts to answer all of those questions that everyone ponders but no one looks into. The experiments described in this novel are very interesting and are hard evidence of the many theories explained. Since there were 26 chapters that weren't all that interesting, I chose the 10 best ideas to share with all of my viewers. Enjoy!

I Think, Therefore I Blink

Like every chapter in this book, a question opens up the topic and gets you thinking right off the bat. When asked if you notice how often you blink, I thought to myself, no, I don’t notice. But throughout that whole chapter I couldn’t stop thinking of blinking and I probably blinked 200 times. “Ingram” made a good point when he stated that we do not experience the same sort of black out when we blink as when we stand in a room and the lights flick off for less amount of time it takes you to blink. I find it amazing to think that your visual awareness shuts down every blink making it feel like you haven’t missed a thing. This is because the sensitivity of your eye minimizes right before you blink and stays low until the blink is over. Your brain sends a signal to hold operations for the small amount of time it takes to blink. You ask what happens in between? Well, your brain holds onto to the scene you just saw and allows it to “linger” until you open again. Blinking has a lot to do with focus as well. When driving on the by-pass, the average person should blink about 15 times per minute without even knowing. But in busy street traffic on Regent Street, the average person would have a strong focus with hardly any blinking. “Blinking isn’t a cause of the thinking process, it’s a result.” One interesting fact that scientists haven’t figured out why it happens, is that speaking increases the amount of blinking a person does. So as your reading my ultimate blog count to twenty-five in your head and you probably won’t blink at all. Then if no one is around (or if there is, tell them what you are doing), count to twenty-five out loud and record how many times you blink. It’s really weird, but fascinating how our brain works and how our brain controls EVERYTHING we do or think about doing.

(Look at this optical illusion and try really hard to count the dots. If you have a strong focus, you will not blink at all, even though your eyes are moving with the dots. If you are really good, try talking while you count the dots and see if you blink.)

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